Sunday, May 17, 2020

Toxic Leadership At The Military Research Proposal

TOXIC LEADERSHIP Toxic Leadership in the Military Research Proposal PA 6601 Research Methods Troy University Lauren Maloney Toxic Leadership in the Military The strength of any organization can be found in the ability for the leaders to lead effectively. Effective leadership is essential in the military too, as toxic leadership can have a detrimental impact to those who work under them, as well as the ability for the unit to be cohesive and able to carry out their duties. In the following pages, the symptoms, impact, and mitigation strategies of toxic leadership will be addressed in an attempt at understanding the various aspects that can influence the role of leadership in the military. Lastly, a plan to†¦show more content†¦Regarding the effects, toxic leadership has in the United States Army (Mattson, 2012, p. 12), toxic leaders are defined as, those who put their own needs or image above their subordinates, who micromanage their subordinates, and who are insecure in their own positions. A study that was requested by the Secretary of the Army in 2003 expanded upon the previous understanding of what makes a leader toxic. The results revealed that toxic leaders are focused on visible short-term mission accomplishments, provide superiors with impressive, articulate presentations and enthusiastic responses to missions. However, toxic leaders are unconcerned about, or oblivious to, staff or troop morale or climate and are seen by the majority of subordinates as arrogant, self-serving, inflexible, and petty (Ulmer, 2012, p. 48). These symptoms of toxic leadership can have far-reaching effects on the military unit, including mission readiness. Comment by Author: Deleted:In r Comment by Author: Deleted: to Comment by Author: Deleted:bu Comment by Author: Deleted:and/ Over the past few years, two brigade commanders have been relieved of their position, along with a general, due to engaging in toxic leadership that was highlighted by narcissistic and abusive behavior (Doty Fenlason, 2013). The identification of toxic leaders within the military ranksShow MoreRelatedNeophyte Essay11176 Words   |  45 Pagesoutset of this paper that crystal methamphetamine is not a First Nations specific problem and should not be perceived as one. Some communities have a problem with it, while others do not. This does not, however, mean that communities and leadership should not be proactive and on the forefront of this emerging issue. 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