Thursday, September 3, 2020

Drafting Design Basics Essays

Drafting Design Basics Essays Drafting Design Basics Essay Drafting Design Basics Essay Getting the hang of Drafting and Design Basics in an Online Environment: A Study Determining the Effectiveness by Davetta L. Gipson A Paper Presented in Partial Fulfillment Of the Requirements of ED7210: The Delivery of Distance Education June 4, 2004 100 Antioch Pike Nashville, TN, 37211 (615) 837-7103 [emailprotected] com Dr. Joann Kroll Wheeler Abstract Recently, the ITT Technical Institute Nashville Campus started offering their General Education courses in an online configuration for approaching understudies. A solid chance exists that some specialized center courses will be offered later on utilizing a separation conveyance technique to limit the measure of time understudies spend nearby. Examination concerning distinctive conveyance strategies is basic for a sufficient correlation, just as figuring out which strategy, assuming any, future more qualified for the school and understudies the same. The focal point of this paper is to decide the best instructional innovation technique to be utilized for the early on PC supported drafting and plan course. The techniques to be thought about are PC helped guidance, PC based preparing and Web-based preparing. List of chapters Table of Contents 3 List of Figures 4 List of Tables 5 Introduction 6 Understanding Computer-Aided Drafting Design 7 1 Board Drafting Skills 7 2 Computer Drafting Skills 11 Current Course Offering 12 Converting From Traditional Method to Distance Delivery Method 14 1 Screening for Distance Learning Suitability 15 Determining Suitable Portions for Conversion 16 3 Selecting Appropriate Media for Conversion 16 1 Computer-Aided Instruction 17 2 Computer-Based Training 18 3 Web-Based Training 18 4 Determining Time Requirements for Development 20 5 Conversion Lifecycle 22 Conclusion 24 References List of Figures Figure 1. Drafting board 8 Figure 2. T-square 8 Figure 3. Track Drafting Machine 8 Figure 4. 30-60-90 triangle and 45-45-90 triangle 9 Figure 5. Protractor 9 Figure 6. Scale 9 Figure 7. Lead Holder 9 Figure 8. Drawing Leads 9 Figure 9. Lead Pointer 9 Figure 10a. Isometric Grid Paper 10 Figure 10b. Square Grid Paper 10 Figure 10c. Lettering Grid Paper 10 Figure 10d. Drawing Media Paper Size 10 Figure 10e. Paper Size Layout 10 Figure 11. Digitizer 11 Figure 12. Plotter 11 List of Tables Table 1. Course Distance Learning Screening Form 15 Table 2. Qualified Instructional Hours for Conversion 16 Table 3. Rising Web-Based Tools 20 Table 4. Student Courseware Interactivity and Associated Learning Objectives 21 Table 5. Media Compression rates and Developmental Hours 22 Table 6. Change Support Staffing 23 Table 7. Last Selection Criteria 26 Learning Drafting and Design Basics in an Online Environment: A Study Determining the Effectiveness Within the most recent nine months, the ITT Technical Institute Nashville Campus started offering their General Education courses online to approaching and students from other schools. At the point when the online program authoritatively started longer than a year prior, it was overseen through another school and understudy data was sent to the ITT Technical Institute where the understudy was enrolled to take their specialized center courses. Since that time, the online program has experienced a couple of corrections. The current instructional strategy, Questa Training, was made by ITT Educational Services, Incorporated. Since the online courses started, numerous understudies have gotten disappointed with their learning experience. For a few, it is the protection from change and for other people, it is the powerlessness to see how the online condition capacities. There are additionally a level of understudies who feel the online condition isn't appropriately arranged to take into consideration the ideal learning experience. On account of these shifting issues, numerous understudies have started conversations in regards to pulling back from the course and some have gotten some information about the chance of taking the course in the conventional homeroom setting. Notwithstanding the disappointment in the online organization, managers are hoping to get ready for a portion of the center courses to make a similar progress inside a couple of years. Monceaux, the Associate Dean of Academic Affairs answered, â€Å"Although no plans are last right now, ITT Educational Services Incorporated is investigating the chance of moving a portion of our initial quarter courses into an online format† (Personal correspondence, Murphy Monceaux, May 25, 2004). One significant worry of employees in the School of Design has been that of the PC helped drafting and structure understudies having the option to learn board-drafting abilities, just as the AutoCAD 2004 programming they are educated during their second and third quarters. The reason for this paper is to decide whether an online arrangement is the best methods wherein to pass on fundamental board drafting aptitudes, just as an essential comprehension of the AutoCAD 2004 programming orders. The conveyance techniques to be thought about are PC helped guidance, PC based preparing and Web-based preparing. The last end drawn will appear if any of the conveyance techniques will be successful or if the customary homeroom setting would be the best methods by which to show the required abilities. Understanding Computer-Aided Drafting and Design So as to figure out which conveyance strategy would be the best to utilize, an away from of PC supported drafting and configuration is essential. PC helped drafting and configuration alludes to the capacity to electronically make fast and exact drawings with the utilization of a PC (CADD Primer, 2003). There are various programming bundles accessible that take into account drawing creation; anyway the one to be talked about in this paper is AutoCAD 2004. In spite of the fact that the utilization of the PC is important to pick up the required abilities, fundamental board drafting aptitudes are basic in the drafting and plan industry too. Board Drafting Skills Every drafter starts their preparation by building up a range of abilities that rotates around using the drafting board and different drafting apparatuses. This range of abilities consolidates conventional drafting apparatuses. Conventional instruments are gadgets used to help the human hand in making specialized drawings (Bertoline, 2003). Numerous apparatuses were initially utilized in antiquated Greece to consider and create geometry, however have advanced into instruments used to create specialized drawings or portrayals. The entirety of the apparatuses appeared in this paper are a necessary piece of the board drafting procedure and they each have a specific reason. The principal customary device to be utilized is the drafting table or planning phase (figure 1). Utilized for holding a sheet of attracting media a fixed position and to give a straight edge to a T-square (figure 2) or Track Drafting Machine (figure 3). The T-Square is utilized to attract level lines and to hold triangles (figure 4) for drawing vertical lines. The Track Drafting [pic] Figure 1. Drafting Board [pic][pic] Figure 2. T-SquareFigure 3. Track Drafting Machine is utilized to draw exact flat, vertical and rakish lines. It is sufficiently exact to supplant the T-square, triangles, the protractor (figure 5) and scales (figure 6). Triangles permit lines to be drawn at 30, 45, and 60-degree edges. When joining triangles, lines can be attracted 15-degree increases. [pic][pic] Figure 4. 30-60-90 triangle and 45-45-90 triangle [pic][pic] Figure 5. ProtractorFigure 6. Scale The protractor is utilized to format and draw rakish lines or measure points on the drawing, while the scale is utilized to design estimations at diminished or expanded sizes. When taking a shot at specialized drawings, specific composition or portraying utensils are utilized too. A lead holder (figure 7) holds exceptional size and grades of drafting drives (figure 8) that take into consideration the formation of various line types and styles. It likewise replaces wooden pencils and needs an extraordinary sharpener to give a point to the lead, which is known as a lead pointer (figure 9). [pic] Figure 7. Lead Holder Figure 8. Drawing LeadsFigure 9. Lead Pointer The last specialized attracting instrument to make reference to is more media based, which is the drawing media or paper (figure 10a-e) itself. Attracting media alludes to the various kinds of sheets utilized during the time spent making specialized drawings. There are a few sorts of attracting media to be utilized and each type is reliant upon the specialized attracting to be finished. The primary kind of drawing media is lattice paper (figures 10ab), which is utilized to plan primer and freehand portrayals of your drawing. The last kind is intended for creating lettering styles and arrangements (figure 10c). Drawing media comes in specific sizes dependent on the kind of specialized drawing being made and the measure of detail to be set on that drawing. The paper sizes and shapes are appeared in figure 10d and figure 10e. [pic] Figure 10a. Isometric network Figure 10b. Rectangular gridFigure 10c. Lettering lattice [pic][pic] Figure 10d. Drawing Media Paper SizesFigure 10e. Paper size design Computer Drafting Skills For today’s drafter, it is a need to have board drafting abilities, yet PC drafting aptitudes also. The specialized instruments have advanced from pencils, triangles, scales, and protractors to PC supported drafting (CAD) frameworks (Bertoline, 2003). The essential capacity of the CAD System is to permit the drafter, originator, specialist or draftsman to take care of realistic issues and produce precise, readable specialized drawings. There are a few parts that make up the equipment bit of a CAD framework, for example, the PC, screen, console, mouse or pointing framework, digitizer (figure 11) and plotter (figure 12). The greater part of the equipment is utilized as often as possible in today’s society, in spite of the fact that relatively few know about the digitizer and the plotter. The digitizer is utilized

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Depreciation and Useful Life

Structures, hardware, gear, furniture, installations, PCs, open air lighting, parking garages, vehicles, and trucks are instances of benefits that will keep going for over one year, however won't last inconclusively. After some time, these benefits deteriorate. Deterioration is characterized as a non-money cost that diminishes the estimation of a benefit because of physical or useful factors after some time. Along these lines, the expenses of the fixed resources ought to be recorded as a cost over their helpful lives, since they deteriorate and should be supplanted once the finish of their valuable life is reached. Physical deterioration factors incorporate mileage during use or from being presented to such things as climate. Useful devaluation factors remember outdated nature or changes for client needs that cause the advantage for no longer offer types of assistance for which it was proposed or required. With regards to processing devaluation, there are three factors that decide the deterioration cost for a fixed resource: the asset’s starting cost, anticipated helpful life, and assessed lingering esteem. What's more, there are additionally three distinct approaches to ascertain devaluation: the straight â€line technique, the units-of-creation strategy, and the twofold declining-balance technique. The straight-line technique for devaluation gives a similar measure of deterioration cost for every time of the asset’s valuable life, and is known to be the most ordinarily utilized strategy for ascertaining devaluation. The unit’s-of-creation technique for deterioration gives a similar measure of devaluation cost for every unit of creation. In light of what the advantage is, the unit’s-of-creation strategy can be communicated as far as amount delivered, miles, hours, and so on and is regularly utilized when the fixed resources in administration time or use shifts from year to year. The twofold declining-balance strategy for deterioration accommodates a declining intermittent cost over the normal helpful existence of the benefit. The twofold declining-balance strategy shows a higher devaluation in the principal year of the asset’s use, trailed by declining deterioration sums in the years following, which is the reason this technique is likewise alluded to as a quickened deterioration technique. There are a few unique kinds of benefits that devalue after some time. Devaluation alludes to fixed resources, which exist truly, in this way making them substantial resources. At times, there are resources that don't deteriorate. A case of a benefit that doesn't deteriorate would be land since it has a boundless helpful life. On the off chance that land has a constrained helpful life, just like the case with a quarry, at that point it is worthy to deteriorate it over its valuable life. One case of a benefit that would devalue would be a MacBook Pro PC. This is an advantage that I would utilize the straight-line strategy for being that while PCs and innovation are continually changing; gadgets, for example, MacBook Pro’s appear to reliably hold their worth. Let’s state you bought the MacBook Pro for $2800 with a normal helpful existence of 5 years and an expected leftover estimation of $700, as indicated by the straight-line strategy for deterioration, it would be determined as: Annual Depreciation = Cost â€Residual Value = $2800-$700 = $420. 00 Useful life 5 Another case of a benefit that would devalue after some time would be a vehicle. This is a benefit that I would utilize the units-of-creation strategy for being that the utilization and mileage may differ from year to year. Let’s state you bought the vehicle for $59,900 that is relied upon to have a helpful existence of 95,000 miles and an expected lingering estimation of $19,560, and during the year the vehicle was worked 21,000 miles. As per the units-of-creation technique for deterioration, it would be determined as: Step 1: Depreciation per Unit = Cost â€Residual Value = $59,900 - $19,560 = $0. 42 for each mile Total Units of Production 95,000 miles Step2: Depreciation Expense=Depreciation per unit X Total Units of Production Used Depreciation Expense = $0. 42 X 21,000 Miles = $8,820

Friday, August 21, 2020

Opposition to the Legalization of Same Sex Marriage

Acquaintance The term homosexuality showed up with have been utilized without precedent for the year 1869. In 1871, Germany government condemned against such act. By 1947, an Institute for Sex Research was fused in Indiana. In the year 1961, a Vatican said that anybody associated with homosexuality was not qualified to take strict promises. Later in 1972, a congregation in Netherlands contended that gays and lesbians could likewise fill in as pastors.Advertising We will compose a custom exposition test on Opposition to the Legalization of Same Sex Marriage explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn More The United Methodist Church in U.S.A. casted a ballot against the issue of â€Å"compatibility between the congregation and homosexuality†. From that point onward, there have been various advances regarding the matter of gay issues. In a decent number of States, bias of gatherings dependent on their sexual direction has been illegal. This archive plan to contend that app roval of homosexuality impacts the network moral texture or cause disparity in relations. Concession Majority of otherworldly affiliations have put together their conclusions with respect to sacred contents and contended that support of homosexuality has prompted disintegration of moral qualities inside the American individuals. This ethical methodology has played colossal situation all through political developments where individuals esteems have supplanted the desire to decriminalize homosexuality especially in educational committees and consecrated associations. In their perspective, profound gatherings contend that marriage is blessed association and along these lines heavenly. They thus contend that God made man and bespoke him to top off the world through his association with the female accomplice and not individuals of same sexual class (Ayers and Brown 15). Furthermore, adversaries of homosexuality exhortation that marriage in the midst of individuals of indistinguishable se xual orientation doesn't hold any rationale as it need justification and reason. They stress that marriage among man and lady has an essential goal of conceiving an offspring. On the other hand, marriage between individuals of a similar sexual orientation doesn't have this target. On siring, marriage of comparable sexual classification should be possible for the fundamental goal of material products portion and friendship. The counter homosexuality bodies contend that these can be practiced without wedding. There are guidelines that would cheerily take care of the issues of material merchandise sharing and legacy (Sherman 14). These urgings by the by, have not had the option to convince expert homosexuality bodies. It depends on this that I for one contradict authorization of relationships of a similar sex. Science and homosexuality Initially, they contest that homosexuality is typical and acquired. While against gay entryways contest this is a direct procured from the setting, scie nce has affirmed that homosexuality is an inborn issue (Garber 16).Advertising Looking for paper on sexual orientation considers? How about we check whether we can support you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Le Vay’s 1991 research demonstrated that there are auxiliary differentiations inside the brain of gay men and their hetero supplements. As per the exploration, it was recognized that interstitial cores situated in the front nerve center of individuals’ mind exhibited basic decent variety in the two classes of men. In gay people, the structure was minor in contrast with the hetero partners. He confirmed that the element of this structure had a duty to handle in deciding person’s sexual direction. This suggests homosexuality isn't a conduct procured from the encompassing yet an innate event. It is in this way significant that such gatherings are given sway as some other gatherings with innate misshapenings that lead to body handicaps. This is as indicated by science yet at the same time morally, marriage of a similar sex ought not be permitted and rather, the concerned gatherings ought to be mentored and guided to stay away from such unethical conduct. To sum things up, approach creators should structure a lot of laws that will unequivocally dishearten individuals connected with or the individuals who have goals engaging in such sickening barbaric conduct and the entire network as a rule from emphatically inclining towards gay inclinations. Reversibility of the characteristic Most individuals state that homosexuality is a natural and irreversible movement that can't be discouraged by limitations. This probably won't remain constant considering the way that before all else homosexuality was not there. For the most part, lawful costs are forced on these demonstrations to discourage tireless association in this demonstration (Kamiat 230). This effectively dispirits individuals from speaking to this demonstration. It is extreme ly evident that a newborn child with gay qualities can be changed to an ordinary individual. A natural report recommends that once presented to new condition old attributes in individuals wiped out with time. Despite what might be expected, a few researchers contend against this. Anyway, let us accept these qualities don't exist thinking about that these attributes didn't depict themselves in the start of the world, thus they have been learnt later. End In brief, it has been contended by conventionalists and otherworldly bodies that homosexuality ought not be embraced. To the extent separation dismisses right to the individuals who have just adjusted to homosexuality, we should consider living in heavenly and sacrosanct society. We ought not hold hands to help such grimy acts that dirt the ethical norms that God put in the start of this world. To be sure, we ought to perceive that God lessons gauge more than people’s own choices and practices that developed a few days ago (Bo rg 36). This will improve regard and pride in today’s society. Accordingly, we will live in a favored world and getaway rage of the Lord our Father. Thusly, a man ought to wed a lady and sire youngsters, and therefore fill the world as God said. Along these lines marriage of a similar sex ought not be legalized.Advertising We will compose a custom exposition test on Opposition to the Legalization of Same Sex Marriage explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn More Works Cited Ayers, Tess, and Paul, Brown. The fundamental manual for gay and lesbian weddings. San Francisco: Harper San Francisco, 1994. Print. Borg, Marcus. Perusing the Bible again just because: Taking the Bible truly however not actually. New York: Harper Collins, 2002. Print. Garber, Marjorie. Personal stakes: Cross-Dressing and Cultural Anxiety. London: Routledge, 1992. Print. Kamiat, Arnold. â€Å"A Psychology of Asceticism,† Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 23 (1928): 223-231. Sherman , Suzanne. Lesbian and gay marriage: Private responsibilities, open functions. Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1992. Print This paper on Opposition to the Legalization of Same Sex Marriage was composed and put together by client Coen Reese to help you with your own investigations. You are allowed to utilize it for research and reference purposes so as to compose your own paper; be that as it may, you should refer to it likewise. You can give your paper here.

Sunday, June 7, 2020

Hiring Stats Looking Good for MBA and SPM Grads

Last week  GMAC released the findings of its annual Corporate Recruiters Survey of 565 employers from 44 countries around the world – and results are looking good for business school graduates! Employers around the world are placing more value on the MBA degree, proving that the degree is a good investment. Percentage of companies hiring new graduates, by degree type. Source: Graduate Management Admission Council 2014 Corporate Recruiters Survey. Here are several highlights from the report: †¢Ã‚  80% of employers plan on hiring MBAs in 2014, up 7% from 2013 and up 30% since 2009. (In 2009, only half of recruiters hired MBAs.) †¢Ã‚  Projected hiring in all sectors is at the highest it’s been since the Great Recession in 2009. †¢Ã‚  Only 25% of companies reported a focus on overcoming economic challenges, compared to 58% of companies in 2009. †¢Ã‚  74% of employers plan on hiring bachelor’s degree graduates, compared to 75% in 2012 and 2013 (in other words, no significant difference). In 2009, only 56% hired bachelor’s degree grads. †¢Ã‚  86% of U.S. employers, 83% of employers in the Asia-Pacific region, and 61% of employers from Europe all plan on hiring MBAs in 2014. All have increased since 2012. †¢Ã‚  50% of employers plan on hiring grads from master in management programs, an increase from 45% in 2013 and 18% in 2009. †¢Ã‚  45% plan on hiring grads from master of accounting programs, compared to 36% in 2013 and 17% in 2010. †¢Ã‚  The numbers for master in finance grads are as follows: 44% of employers plan on hiring this year, compared to 39% last year and 41% the year before. †¢Ã‚  Employers rated communication skills as the most important skill they look for in new hires, ranking it twice as important as the next winner, managerial skills. Other skill options were teamwork, technical, and leadership. †¢Ã‚  Salaries – They are flat, but at a comfortably high plateau. Employers plan on offering newly minted MBAs an average of US$95,000 in the U.S., US$69,000 in Europe, and US$21,340 in Asia-Pacific. For bachelor’s degree holders, median base salaries expect to run at US$50,000 in the U.S. and US$41,000 in Europe. My Thoughts Most commentators on the b-school biz are justifiably happy with the results of this survey. So am I. Here’s why and a few other observations: 1. The most obvious reason to be thrilled with these results is the buoyant job market, especially for MBAs. MBAs are in demand. But they’re not the only ones – holders of specialized degrees in business are also sought after, and with a lower out-of-pocket and opportunity cost than the MBA. Many professional organizations and fields outside of business (law and academia for example) would think they had died and gone to heaven if they could report stats like these. For those of you in college or just out and trying to decide on career direction, if you have any interest in business or a specific area of business, explore that field. Perhaps get an internship or get a job in that area. Talk to people working in that field. If you enjoy it, consider a specialized masters or MBA to enhance your professional skills and opportunities. At the same time, and at the risk of being repetitive, every graduate school applicant has to determine that they have a goal requiring a specific course of study and that the course of study is likely to be worth the cost. The payoff can be and usually needs to be financial, but it can also be in terms of improved career satisfaction or simply learning. That is a determination for you to make, but it is one you must make before you commit to an expensive, time-consuming graduate education – even an MBA. 2. The growing popularity of specialized masters, specifically the Masters in Management, among recruiters is striking. It’s less expensive for recruiters to hire holders of Masters in Management, and it’s less expensive for students to acquire the degree. I would love to see data on how much MBAs vs. MiMs are making let’s say 10 years after graduating college. Now that would be an interesting report. So far it’s not out, but if such a report were to show little or no difference in earnings at that stage in one’s career, than the MiM may be the way to go and the traditional two-year MBA has one more source of significant competition. Even without that data, as a result of the MiM’s recruiting mojo and reduced cost for students, expect to see more programs developing Masters in Management for early career candidates. Ross, Duke, and London Business School already offer it. It wouldn’t shock me if others offer this kind of a program soon; I would keep my eye on Tuck, Kellogg, and Cornell for early-career Masters in Management programs. MIT Sloan, LBS, and Stanford GSB already have Masters in Management aimed at mid-career professionals. I also anticipate that more MBA programs will follow Cornell and Kellogg’s lead and offer accelerated MBAs for those with advanced degrees or strong business background. That implies that if you have an MiM and later decide you want your MBA, you would eventually reduce the out-of-pocket and opportunity cost of your MBA. Finally, those of you who are long-time readers of Accepted’s blog may remember that we picked up on this trend about a year and a half ago in â€Å"Grad Degrees that Lead to Jobs,† when looking at an earlier GMAC Poll of Employers. (Sometimes I just gotta say, â€Å"I told you say so.† Just a little crowing. 🙂 ) 3. Another remarkable piece of info in this report is the high value employers around the world and in various disciplines place on communications skills when choosing whom to hire among business school graduates. I wonder if the technical number crunching is taken for granted as a given by recruiters. Consequently what separates those hired from those receiving form rejection letters of consolation are communications skills. 4. The flatness of salaries amidst growing demand for b-school grads and rising tuitions. It is not shocking that salaries haven’t climbed given the recent recession. The good news is that the average MBA salary in the U.S. still provides a significant premium over average salaries for recent college grads. The bad news is that tuitions are continuing their seemingly inexorable rise. For an applicant considering an MBA or any other graduate degree, again, you need to evaluate whether the benefit, for you – not the average Joe or Jane – is worth the cost. For most students in MBA and specialized masters programs, as this GMAC 2014 Survey Shows, it’s lookin’ good. Real good. By Linda Abraham, president and founder of and co-author of the new, definitive book on MBA admissions, MBA Admission for Smarties: The No-Nonsense Guide to Acceptance at Top Business Schools.

Sunday, May 17, 2020

Toxic Leadership At The Military Research Proposal

TOXIC LEADERSHIP Toxic Leadership in the Military Research Proposal PA 6601 Research Methods Troy University Lauren Maloney Toxic Leadership in the Military The strength of any organization can be found in the ability for the leaders to lead effectively. Effective leadership is essential in the military too, as toxic leadership can have a detrimental impact to those who work under them, as well as the ability for the unit to be cohesive and able to carry out their duties. In the following pages, the symptoms, impact, and mitigation strategies of toxic leadership will be addressed in an attempt at understanding the various aspects that can influence the role of leadership in the military. Lastly, a plan to†¦show more content†¦Regarding the effects, toxic leadership has in the United States Army (Mattson, 2012, p. 12), toxic leaders are defined as, those who put their own needs or image above their subordinates, who micromanage their subordinates, and who are insecure in their own positions. A study that was requested by the Secretary of the Army in 2003 expanded upon the previous understanding of what makes a leader toxic. The results revealed that toxic leaders are focused on visible short-term mission accomplishments, provide superiors with impressive, articulate presentations and enthusiastic responses to missions. However, toxic leaders are unconcerned about, or oblivious to, staff or troop morale or climate and are seen by the majority of subordinates as arrogant, self-serving, inflexible, and petty (Ulmer, 2012, p. 48). These symptoms of toxic leadership can have far-reaching effects on the military unit, including mission readiness. Comment by Author: Deleted:In r Comment by Author: Deleted: to Comment by Author: Deleted:bu Comment by Author: Deleted:and/ Over the past few years, two brigade commanders have been relieved of their position, along with a general, due to engaging in toxic leadership that was highlighted by narcissistic and abusive behavior (Doty Fenlason, 2013). The identification of toxic leaders within the military ranksShow MoreRelatedNeophyte Essay11176 Words   |  45 Pagesoutset of this paper that crystal methamphetamine is not a First Nations specific problem and should not be perceived as one. Some communities have a problem with it, while others do not. This does not, however, mean that communities and leadership should not be proactive and on the forefront of this emerging issue. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Graduation Speech On Academic Integrity - 859 Words

Course Reflections The graduate seminar course is a required course for all graduate students to take before they start their graduate program here at Baker College. There are many of different things this course helps students out with from getting them familiar with the online classroom too teaching the students the fundamentals of APA formatting. This course consists of three seminars all each lasting a week that goes over many important details that each graduate student are required to know. In seminar one, during the first week of this course it goes over many policies of the school and the online learning environment. This week also gets each student familiar with navigating through the online classroom. Also during this week during our first graded discussions we talked about academic integrity and the meaning of it. Academic integrity is defined as a commitment made even in the face of adversity to five fundamental values: honesty, trust fairness, respect, and responsibility (The Center for Academic Integrity, 1999). Not only it is important for each graduate student to understand academic integrity while during their graduate program, but it is also an important fundamental to abide by when out in the real world while working in a professional environment. During one of the assignments for this first week we also have to look up professional associations related to our field of study. This has been helpful to see what associations that students can becomeShow MoreRelatedPlagiarism: a Social Problem1696 Words   |  7 Pagesforever damaging their student and professional careers. Many students are unaware of what true plagiarism consists of and how easily it can occur. 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Cross Cultural Comparison of Nonverbal Cues †

Question: Discuss about the Cross Cultural Comparison of Nonverbal Cues. Answer: Introduction: The country of the United States is located mainly in the central part of North America. In the north, there is the Canada and in the south is the Mexico. Moreover, it is bordered by on the west by the Pacific Ocean as well as to the east by the Atlantic Ocean. The country has a total population of about 304 million. This country covers a vase area on the earth that accounts to 9,629,000. It is interesting to know that researchers include this country as one of the worlds most culturally diverse nations (Klabbers, 2015). It comprises of about 50 states along with the federal district. The country of the United States is stated by business stalwarts as one of the most highly industrialized country. It is seen to boast proudly of a full fledge modern economy. Researchers also consider it to be one of the most powerful economy which is present in the world. Hence, any individual with an aspiration to look himself as an expert business professional can reach his objectives if get a chanc e for working in such modernized industries of the country (Nikomo Hoobler, 2014). The country is also abundant in different types of natural resources. It has huge amount of reserves that include coal, petroleum, iron ore, natural gas and also sylvite thereby ranking among the topmost positions of the world. In the decade of the 1990s, a robust growth was recorded in the United States when the new economy along with the information as well as the biotechnology industry started playing a leading role. This made the country enjoy the unparalleled economic growth in that period (Ethier, 2016). However in the year 2001, the economy of the country slumped into a period of brief recession but it showed the capability to stand and turn around after the fall. It again returned to prosperity. In the month of July in 2007, the subprime mortgage crisis broke out in the United States. Since then, it had been spreading to the different parts of the world. The country is now starting to emerge from its longest recession period from the time of the World War 2. For example, the two countries of US and China are now found to be each others second largest trading partners who had a bilateral trade which had been reaching for about 333.74 billion U.S dollars in 2008. Therefore it can be easily seen that united states are continuously on the progress of making more international bonding and developing industrial projects which takes them to a more economically powerful nation of the world (Buchelli Wadhwani, 2014). Economists are now agreeing that the economy if the country is finally putting in a broad based recovery from the disaster of the 2008 Great recession. After thorough analysis of the job market, it has been found that the nation is now being able to create jobs for millions and the wage growth is also picking. The foreign trade is also gradually getting pace although it is now standing to 30% of the nations GDP. These signs are indicating a prosperous recovery as w ell as a healthy and self sufficient economy. All these signs are showing how the country has geared up for the development of the economy providing more scope to new business professionals who are aspiring to become big in life (Shwab, 2017). US have been successful to hold on to the trend of energy renaissance all due to the advancements in technology mainly in segments like drilling as well developed extensively. The industrys growth had reached 168% between 2010 and 2013. Manufacturers had been found to be contributing about $2.09 trillion to the economy. This is also an increase from $1.73 trillion in 2009. This sector accounts for about 12% of the GDP an support for about 17.6 million jobs in U.S. transportation sector, healthcare sectors, agriculture and many others all are flourishing tremendously (Kaldor, 2013). Therefore, it had developed scopes for individuals to get new jobs in the country. Therefore choosing United States as the country for this assignment is quite just ified. Researchers suggest that by the term culture it means the wide domain which encompasses the food, religion, how one hears, what that person wears, how they sit at table, how visitors are greeted, how one behaves with loved one and many others. This had been stated by Christina De Rossi who is an anthropologist who works at Barnate and also Southgate College in London. This country is one of the most culturally diverse countries in the world (Scott Davis, 2015). The English had colonized the country in the year 1600s. At that very time, they had incorporated some of their cultures in the making of the United States. Besides, cultures of Native Americans, Latin Americans, Africans and Asians also make US culture. Nine percent of the US population speaks English and most of the business is conducted in English. Besides English, other languages which are also spoken are Chinese, French, Spanish as well as German. Census bureau had successfully reported that more than 300 languages are s poken in US.71 % of the population are Christian and about 23% had no religious affiliation at all (Stromquist, 2016). Around 6% is made up of non Christian religions. The style of dressing mainly varies by social status, occupation, climate as well as region. Jeans, sneakers, cowboy hats, boots, baseball caps are some of the interesting clothing styles. Fashion of this region is mainly influenced by celebrities and the media and many like to wear branded clothes. Coming to the culture of diet, the diet of UA is largely influenced by the European and Latin American eating styles. They mainly prefer hot dogs, hamburgers, hot dogs, cheese and macaroni as well as meat loaf (Spring, 2016). Southern style cooking is specific that reflects the menu which includes dishes like fried chicken, collard greens, corn bread as well as black eyed peas. Again Tex-Mex is cooking style famous in Texas and southwest that incorporate Spanish and Mexican cooking styles. These involve food items with chi li and burritos as well as jellies heavily shredded on cheese and beans. Jerky dried meats are also as snacks. In section of art, United States is famous for being the leaders is mass media production. This includes television and movies. Hollywood has a very vibrant movie industry. California as well as American movies worldwide earn a huge revenue which can reach to $ 771 billion by 2019 to the US Department of commerce (McWilliams et al., 2016). They have a rich theatrical history. Moreover, the folk art is an artistic style. This is seen to be with quilts and other hand crafted items. Music is also very diverse with many styles like bluegrass, rock 'n' roll, hip hop and also blues, jazz, gospel, country and western. Moreover they are sport minded country with millions of fans following football, hockey, basketball and other sports. The favorite sport has however remained baseball. A large number of holidays are also celebrated in the country. This involves the Independence Day, Memorial Day, Labor Day, thanksgiving, presidents day and many others. However symbols of social stratification are noticed (Acuna et al., 2015). Data suggests that the gains made by the topmost 1% of the population made by the rich classes can never match with the low socioeconomic classes who have made no such gains in the last year. Although a strong cultural belief in the reality of equal opportunity and economic mobility is believed in by the nation but it hardly gets reflected in the social scenario. Business culture of the country: The working culture of the United States is characterized by string work ethics. The business culture mainly provides heavy emphasis on the individual initiative as well as achievement. In this culture, personal competence professionalism as well as accountability for individual professional is highly valued. In this type of culture, the superiors of the organization are mostly consulted only when urgently required (Bolman Deal, 2017). Most of the business is mainly carried out autonomously. However in case of Malaysia, it is seen that it is the higher rank officials who mainly take the decisions and the working system is vertically hierarchical where less decision-making power resides in the subordinates. In the domain of business communication, the culture mainly provides a very direct communication style. The primary purpose of the communication mainly involves the exchanging of information as well as facts and opinions. They never form their decisions on feelings. More importanc e is given to what it is said than how it is said. Their explicit communication style allows them not to hesitate before saying no or to criticize others in the public. However, Malaysians who are predominantly Muslims, Indians or Chinese rely less on empirical evidence and are driven more by feelings and emotions. In US culture, silent moments in conversations make them feel uncomfortable and therefore they take initiatives to fill the gaps. They are friendly with their bosses. However in Malaysia, relationship between subordinates and their officials are distinct and highly officials. In US, when any conflicts arise, it is dealt directly and openly. However sometimes, it is seen that direct ways of communication sometimes cause problems with people coming from other cultures where business is developed on personal bonds and conflict is handled indirectly and saving face is significant (Rallapalli Montogeny, 2016). A third factor which is also noticed is that time is considered mo ney by them. While other cultures provide importance on relationship building, the working culture of this country remains preoccupied with time. Time is an intangible asset for them which they believe can be invested, spent, saved, lost, found and also waste. They believe wasting time is similar to wasting money. Punctuality is considered to be an important part of US business etiquettes (Evanschitzky et al., 2014). Lateness is considered rudeness and disrespectful. Schedules are important. Deadlines are also needed to be strictly adhered to. When officials conduct meetings as well as negotiations, importance is provided on driving the best results in the least and quickest possible time. When meetings are conducted, it starts with a firm handshake which accompanies direct eye contacts. This signals interest, sincerity and confidence to the American business partner. In the first meeting, a professional of a separate background or of similar background should address the person wit h respective titles and their last names. They will in turn make it know how he wishes to be addressed. In Malaysia, professionals should be addressed with Mr. or miss or Mrs. followed by their surnames. First names are not preferred. In US, small talks regarding work-related matters to sports, weather, travel and others can be done to understand the ambience and for better networking (Jackson Wang, 2013). However that should be short. Business cards are very less distributed. It is not distributed until any chance of contacting the person at later date arises. In Malaysia, business cards are very important. They should be handed with names on the upside and should be read before putting them in pockets. In US, dress code depends varying on the location and type of business. However wearing classic clothing mainly in the color of blue or navy in suits, ties and dress suits ensures a more confident and conservative appearance. American respects privacy as well as their personal spac e. In cases of negotiations and contracts, they want to get down to main points directly. They regard negotiations as problem solving skills which are based on mutual benefit as well as personal strengths with clear emphasis on the financial position and business powers (Maznac et al., 2015). Those values are only preferred which are straight forward and to the point. They want others to express their ideas by themselves only. The business language is full of idiomatic expressions that may come from touch base, ballpark figure, game plan, home run or others. This may become difficult for those who are not from same culture. Individualism may be defined as the degree of the interdependence which a society or organization maintain among its members. Such people with high individualism only look after their own interests and over their direct families. Collectivism is present in societies where people belong to in groups which take care for each other on the platform of trust and loyalty. US scores very high on individualism for about 91. People in these organizations only look after themselves and their immediate families. They try to prove their merit by providing more importance on their own quality of work rather than developing goals which include assimilation of group members (Gelf et al., 2017). Malaysia scores 26 in individualism meaning that it follows a collectivist society. Such a society mainly deepens on formation of strong bonds among team members and colleagues. Here everyone takes responsibility for fellow members and loyalty is mainly placed as a foundation of such collectivist culture in Malaysia. Power can be defined as the degree by which any particular individual is able to influence the ideas and behaviors of people. The attribute of power distance deals with the fact that all individuals in the societies are unequal and therefore it expresses the attitude of the culture towards these power inequalities among the individuals of society or origination. USA scores less on the power distance like around 46. This is because US is seen to have organizations where hierarchy is established mainly for convenience. Superiors are easily accessible and approachable and managers rely on the individual employees and teams for their expertise. As managers and employees expect to be consulted and information is ahead frequently at equal levels, therefore power distance is very low in US business culture (Baki et al., 2015). On the other hand Malaysia scores very high about 100 out of 100 which mean that business culture here accepts hierarchal order. It reflects inherent inequalities, su bordinates are commanded about what to do, here the boss is the benevolent autocrat and centralization is popular. This attribute mainly helps in describing the way which a society deals with any positive or negative future events which can never be known beforehand. It is actually the extent to which members of a culture feel threatened by ambiguous situations as well as created beliefs and institution who try to avoid this. The anxiety associated with this attribute is handled by different countries in different ways. The extent to which a culture feels threatened by any unknown situations helps researchers to know how well they are prepare to properly handle it and avoid damage. This is measured by uncertainty avoidance. US scores very low for about 46. US show fair degree of acceptance of new idea, innovative ideas or willingness to try something new to avoid uncertainty. However they do not feel the necessity of rules and they are usually less emotionally expressive than higher scoring cultures. Malaysia shows far poorer marks about 36. And thus have a low preferences or avoiding uncertainty . They follow more relaxed attitudes where people believe that there should be no more rules than required (Park et al., 2014). They also believe that if employees do not work or re ambiguous, they should be changed. They provide flexible schedules and also take hard work only when necessary. Innovation is also seen as threatening. Achievement mainly comes under the dimension of masculinity where it indicates the society which needs to be driven by competition, achievement and success. A low score on masculinity means high score on nurturing attitudes which reflect the dimensions of femininity. The later means that the organization where quality of life is the main sig of success. Masculine reflects organizations wanting to be best and femininity reflects what workers like to do. Malaysia shows a score of 50, which indicates that it, maintains a proper balance of both masculine and feminine traits in business culture. US show a score of 62. This shows high masculinity traits with most individualist drive in the world. This shows that they are more aligned to goal driven achievements and strategies to maintain the best quality performance rather than developing collectivist attitude and looking for everyone comfort in the work zone (Sharma et al., 2014). The dimension mainly states that every society has to maintain some links with its own past while handling he different challenges of the present and future. United States scores low for about 26. This reflects that they follow normative societies who prefer to maintain time honored traditions and norms and view societal change with suspicion. They are more prone to analyze new information to check whether it is true. Therefore, this culture does not make them pragmatic. American business measures their performance on short term basis with profits and losses being issues on quarterly basis for striving quick results at workplace. Malaysia also score low for about 41. They are also normative and exhibit great respect for traditions with a focus on achieving quick results but not as much as that of the US (Acuna et al., 2015). Conclusion: United States has been described as one of the most successful nation in industrialization and conducting international business. Technological advancements in drilling and hydraulic fracturing, oil gas production, manufacturing industry, transportation industry, healthcare industry, agriculture and others are advancing at a very high space providing job to millions. USA had been successful in maintaining a mixture of varieties of culture along with its own distinct cultures of food, clothing, sports, language and others. Moreover their business etiquettes are also different and needs to be strictly followed by someone who wants to establish a professional relationship with them. In comparison to Malaysia, United States has low power distance, higher individualism; more or less similar levels of masculinity traits and long term orientation. All these information would help an aspiring business student to initiate his career in the business world of United States and become successful in his career. References: Acua, R. (2015). Occupied America.The Latino/a Condition: A Critical Reader,, 61-4. Bolman, L. 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