Thursday, September 3, 2020

Drafting Design Basics Essays

Drafting Design Basics Essays Drafting Design Basics Essay Drafting Design Basics Essay Getting the hang of Drafting and Design Basics in an Online Environment: A Study Determining the Effectiveness by Davetta L. Gipson A Paper Presented in Partial Fulfillment Of the Requirements of ED7210: The Delivery of Distance Education June 4, 2004 100 Antioch Pike Nashville, TN, 37211 (615) 837-7103 [emailprotected] com Dr. Joann Kroll Wheeler Abstract Recently, the ITT Technical Institute Nashville Campus started offering their General Education courses in an online configuration for approaching understudies. A solid chance exists that some specialized center courses will be offered later on utilizing a separation conveyance technique to limit the measure of time understudies spend nearby. Examination concerning distinctive conveyance strategies is basic for a sufficient correlation, just as figuring out which strategy, assuming any, future more qualified for the school and understudies the same. The focal point of this paper is to decide the best instructional innovation technique to be utilized for the early on PC supported drafting and plan course. The techniques to be thought about are PC helped guidance, PC based preparing and Web-based preparing. List of chapters Table of Contents 3 List of Figures 4 List of Tables 5 Introduction 6 Understanding Computer-Aided Drafting Design 7 1 Board Drafting Skills 7 2 Computer Drafting Skills 11 Current Course Offering 12 Converting From Traditional Method to Distance Delivery Method 14 1 Screening for Distance Learning Suitability 15 Determining Suitable Portions for Conversion 16 3 Selecting Appropriate Media for Conversion 16 1 Computer-Aided Instruction 17 2 Computer-Based Training 18 3 Web-Based Training 18 4 Determining Time Requirements for Development 20 5 Conversion Lifecycle 22 Conclusion 24 References List of Figures Figure 1. Drafting board 8 Figure 2. T-square 8 Figure 3. Track Drafting Machine 8 Figure 4. 30-60-90 triangle and 45-45-90 triangle 9 Figure 5. Protractor 9 Figure 6. Scale 9 Figure 7. Lead Holder 9 Figure 8. Drawing Leads 9 Figure 9. Lead Pointer 9 Figure 10a. Isometric Grid Paper 10 Figure 10b. Square Grid Paper 10 Figure 10c. Lettering Grid Paper 10 Figure 10d. Drawing Media Paper Size 10 Figure 10e. Paper Size Layout 10 Figure 11. Digitizer 11 Figure 12. Plotter 11 List of Tables Table 1. Course Distance Learning Screening Form 15 Table 2. Qualified Instructional Hours for Conversion 16 Table 3. Rising Web-Based Tools 20 Table 4. Student Courseware Interactivity and Associated Learning Objectives 21 Table 5. Media Compression rates and Developmental Hours 22 Table 6. Change Support Staffing 23 Table 7. Last Selection Criteria 26 Learning Drafting and Design Basics in an Online Environment: A Study Determining the Effectiveness Within the most recent nine months, the ITT Technical Institute Nashville Campus started offering their General Education courses online to approaching and students from other schools. At the point when the online program authoritatively started longer than a year prior, it was overseen through another school and understudy data was sent to the ITT Technical Institute where the understudy was enrolled to take their specialized center courses. Since that time, the online program has experienced a couple of corrections. The current instructional strategy, Questa Training, was made by ITT Educational Services, Incorporated. Since the online courses started, numerous understudies have gotten disappointed with their learning experience. For a few, it is the protection from change and for other people, it is the powerlessness to see how the online condition capacities. There are additionally a level of understudies who feel the online condition isn't appropriately arranged to take into consideration the ideal learning experience. On account of these shifting issues, numerous understudies have started conversations in regards to pulling back from the course and some have gotten some information about the chance of taking the course in the conventional homeroom setting. Notwithstanding the disappointment in the online organization, managers are hoping to get ready for a portion of the center courses to make a similar progress inside a couple of years. Monceaux, the Associate Dean of Academic Affairs answered, â€Å"Although no plans are last right now, ITT Educational Services Incorporated is investigating the chance of moving a portion of our initial quarter courses into an online format† (Personal correspondence, Murphy Monceaux, May 25, 2004). One significant worry of employees in the School of Design has been that of the PC helped drafting and structure understudies having the option to learn board-drafting abilities, just as the AutoCAD 2004 programming they are educated during their second and third quarters. The reason for this paper is to decide whether an online arrangement is the best methods wherein to pass on fundamental board drafting aptitudes, just as an essential comprehension of the AutoCAD 2004 programming orders. The conveyance techniques to be thought about are PC helped guidance, PC based preparing and Web-based preparing. The last end drawn will appear if any of the conveyance techniques will be successful or if the customary homeroom setting would be the best methods by which to show the required abilities. Understanding Computer-Aided Drafting and Design So as to figure out which conveyance strategy would be the best to utilize, an away from of PC supported drafting and configuration is essential. PC helped drafting and configuration alludes to the capacity to electronically make fast and exact drawings with the utilization of a PC (CADD Primer, 2003). There are various programming bundles accessible that take into account drawing creation; anyway the one to be talked about in this paper is AutoCAD 2004. In spite of the fact that the utilization of the PC is important to pick up the required abilities, fundamental board drafting aptitudes are basic in the drafting and plan industry too. Board Drafting Skills Every drafter starts their preparation by building up a range of abilities that rotates around using the drafting board and different drafting apparatuses. This range of abilities consolidates conventional drafting apparatuses. Conventional instruments are gadgets used to help the human hand in making specialized drawings (Bertoline, 2003). Numerous apparatuses were initially utilized in antiquated Greece to consider and create geometry, however have advanced into instruments used to create specialized drawings or portrayals. The entirety of the apparatuses appeared in this paper are a necessary piece of the board drafting procedure and they each have a specific reason. The principal customary device to be utilized is the drafting table or planning phase (figure 1). Utilized for holding a sheet of attracting media a fixed position and to give a straight edge to a T-square (figure 2) or Track Drafting Machine (figure 3). The T-Square is utilized to attract level lines and to hold triangles (figure 4) for drawing vertical lines. The Track Drafting [pic] Figure 1. Drafting Board [pic][pic] Figure 2. T-SquareFigure 3. Track Drafting Machine is utilized to draw exact flat, vertical and rakish lines. It is sufficiently exact to supplant the T-square, triangles, the protractor (figure 5) and scales (figure 6). Triangles permit lines to be drawn at 30, 45, and 60-degree edges. When joining triangles, lines can be attracted 15-degree increases. [pic][pic] Figure 4. 30-60-90 triangle and 45-45-90 triangle [pic][pic] Figure 5. ProtractorFigure 6. Scale The protractor is utilized to format and draw rakish lines or measure points on the drawing, while the scale is utilized to design estimations at diminished or expanded sizes. When taking a shot at specialized drawings, specific composition or portraying utensils are utilized too. A lead holder (figure 7) holds exceptional size and grades of drafting drives (figure 8) that take into consideration the formation of various line types and styles. It likewise replaces wooden pencils and needs an extraordinary sharpener to give a point to the lead, which is known as a lead pointer (figure 9). [pic] Figure 7. Lead Holder Figure 8. Drawing LeadsFigure 9. Lead Pointer The last specialized attracting instrument to make reference to is more media based, which is the drawing media or paper (figure 10a-e) itself. Attracting media alludes to the various kinds of sheets utilized during the time spent making specialized drawings. There are a few sorts of attracting media to be utilized and each type is reliant upon the specialized attracting to be finished. The primary kind of drawing media is lattice paper (figures 10ab), which is utilized to plan primer and freehand portrayals of your drawing. The last kind is intended for creating lettering styles and arrangements (figure 10c). Drawing media comes in specific sizes dependent on the kind of specialized drawing being made and the measure of detail to be set on that drawing. The paper sizes and shapes are appeared in figure 10d and figure 10e. [pic] Figure 10a. Isometric network Figure 10b. Rectangular gridFigure 10c. Lettering lattice [pic][pic] Figure 10d. Drawing Media Paper SizesFigure 10e. Paper size design Computer Drafting Skills For today’s drafter, it is a need to have board drafting abilities, yet PC drafting aptitudes also. The specialized instruments have advanced from pencils, triangles, scales, and protractors to PC supported drafting (CAD) frameworks (Bertoline, 2003). The essential capacity of the CAD System is to permit the drafter, originator, specialist or draftsman to take care of realistic issues and produce precise, readable specialized drawings. There are a few parts that make up the equipment bit of a CAD framework, for example, the PC, screen, console, mouse or pointing framework, digitizer (figure 11) and plotter (figure 12). The greater part of the equipment is utilized as often as possible in today’s society, in spite of the fact that relatively few know about the digitizer and the plotter. The digitizer is utilized